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Year 6


We are really looking forward to another great year. Please keep revisiting this page to celebrate the achievements of our Year 6 pupils throughout the year. 

At school, we no longer provide plastic reading book bags. If you would like to purchase a reading book bag (see below) these will be available to buy from school at a cost of £3.50.  

Summer Term 2


During this half term we will be reading our final class novel, The 1000 year old Boy. Throughout the novel, we will be consolidating our writing skills through a range of writing opportunities - both fiction and non-fiction. 


In maths, we will applying what we have learned throughout the year. We will do this through a range of problem solving activities and prepare our pupils for their transition to high school.

Practising basic skills - calculation using all operations.


This half term the children in year 6 will be completing out STEMterprise activities. Have a look at the overview below to see what the children will be doing in the lead up to our Year 6 Afternoon Tea Party. 


North America will be our topic for this half term. We will be identifying the countries of North America on digital maps before learning about the USA, its geographical regions and the individual 50 states. We will complete our topic by completing an in-depth study of San Francisco.  

Studying environmental regions of the USA.





In Athletics, we will perform running techniques for short and long distances. We will perform various push, pull, and sling throws and use a combination of jumps focusing on take-off and land. Take part in a class Athletics event and set personal goals to improve our performances.



Learning outside the Classroom

Throughout this term, we will be using every opportunity to take our learning outside. This might include using our vast outside space around school, or organising trips or visitors to enhance learning across the entire curriculum. 

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Still image for this video

Long Multiplication Treasure Hunt

Our evolutionary trip to Cliffe Castle

Class 6G spent the afternoon taking part in a series of activities to develop their understanding of people who have a visual impairment. Each of the activities provided the children with an insight into challenges that people face on a day to day basis. 
