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Summer Term 1

Summer Term 1


This term, Year 6 will be increasing preparation for the Statutory Assessment Tests (SATs). The week of testing will begin on Tuesday 9th May.   


After the tests, we will be reading, analysing and writing our own biographies. We will use the life of Walt Disney to work through the writing sequence before writing our very own biographies about the life of the famous British paleontologist, Mary Anning.


Continuing with the Maths No Problem scheme, we will begin this half term working with percentages before moving on to algebra, area and perimeter, volume and geometry. 


In Science, we will be investigating our topic of 'Animals Including Humans'. We will study the circulatory system and understand the function of the heart, blood vessels and blood. We will also look at the impact of diet, exercise, drugs and lifestyle and their impact on the human body.  


Striking and Fielding: Cricket

In Cricket, we will demonstrate bowling overarm with accuracy and consistency. We will learn how to strike a Cricket ball using a Cricket bat. We will also be demonstrating how to catch and throw a Cricket ball when fielding. We will aim to use all the skills and tactics demonstrated and apply them into a modified Cricket game.  
