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    Tue 22 Sep 2020 MRS L DAVISON

    Please check this guidance in Parents/Covid-19.


  • Welcome Back

    Thu 03 Sep 2020 MRS L DAVISON


    Dear parents and carers,

    I would like to welcome everybody back to school after what has been a very long time for most of our families.  Your children look beautiful, smart and ready to learn in their uniform and have settled into their classes remarkably well.  As always, their behaviour and manners are impeccable and I would like to send a huge amount of gratitude to you for the support you have given to your child to help them to return to school in such a positive way.

    As you know, we are required to follow strict Government guidance to ensure children, their families, staff and their families are safe.  This has led to quite considerable changes in that way we do some things.  Again, I would like to thank you for the patience and understanding you have shown school as we establish new routines and practices.  With such a large school community (almost 300 families and over 420 children), there are bound to be some things which do not always go to plan, but your support and accepting of the challenges we are all facing at the moment is very much appreciated.  We very much feel that we are all in this together and we will continue to support each other to provide only the best for our children.

    This week, we have focussed on your child’s well-being as well as school and classroom routines.  We place a great deal of emphasis at Stoneyholme on children feeling happy and safe so they are able to be effective learners.  We have also explained to them how to access home learning (or what the Department for Education is now calling ‘blended learning’.)  This will be important should there be another lockdown or if your family needs to self-isolate.  Over the coming weeks, teachers will assess each individual child so we are absolutely sure where any gaps in learning are and then plan to fill them.  You can support this by helping them to complete homework, encouraging them to read and talk about what they have read etc. (you are all experts at this following home schooling!)  Our curriculum has been revised to take account of the learning that has been missed during school closures and we are highly confident that our ‘catch up’ plans are fit for purpose.

    The current arrangements will be in place until further notice.  As Government guidance changes, we will adapt our plans.  We have to limit sending things from school to home and vice versa, all letters and information will be emailed.  It is your responsibility to make sure we have up to date information.   Everyone was emailed last week, if you did not receive yours, please email from the email account you would like us to use and we will update our records.  As always, the website is a good place to look to find all of the information you need.  Class pages will be regularly updated, as will parent and community pages. 

    Finally, I am aware that there is information circulating on social media stating that children will be removed from families if they test positive for COVID_19.  I would like to reassure you that this is absolutely NOT true.  It is very sad that some cruel people would use social media to create worry and concern, particularly during the situation that we are all in at the moment.

    If you have any further concerns, please email school and someone will contact you.  In the meantime, thank you once again for your continued support and take very good care of yourselves, your families and loved ones.

    Lisa Davison

    And everyone at Stoneyhome Community Primary School!


