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Year 3, 4, 5 and 6

For Walk to School week, you are going to boost your knowledge of all the benefits of walking to school. Here are the 5 levels you will need to complete with your family.

Level 1: Team up

To work together as a team

school, class, family or a group of friends.


Leave the car at home and walk to school

Let's continue to work together as one big Stoneyholme Green team, by walking to school every day this week. Reducing the number of cars moving around school to zero, making it safer and happier for everyone to take part in the challenge!

What if I live far away?

If you live far away, please ask your parents to park nearer to school, then walk the rest. This should be at least a 10-minute walk.


 To complete Level 1 

You and your family will need to walk to school every day.

Level 2: Defeat danger

To learn how to cross a road safely when walking to school.

Walking is a great way to get around, but there are dangers to be aware of if you are near roads and traffic.

Do you know the Green Cross Code?

Do you use the code to cross the road or back street safely when walking to school?


  The Green Cross Code  


1. Think - Find a safe place to cross the road.     

2. Stop - Just before you get to the kerb.

3. Look and Listen - Look all around you for traffic and listen. Watch out for bicycles, electric cars and scooters. You don't often hear them but they can travel very fast.

4. Wait - If traffic is coming, let it pass.

5. Look and listen againLook all around again and listen. When it is safe, walk straight across the road - do not run!

6. Arrive alive - Keep looking and listening for traffic while you cross the road.


Safer places to cross

It is important to look if there is a safer place to cross. 

There are crossings designed especially for pedestrians. Can you name them all?

Have you seen any of these safer places to cross on the way to school or around where you live?


 To complete Level 2 

You need to learn and follow the code every day when crossing the road or a back street on your walk to school.

Green Cross Code - Close To The Edge.mp4

Still image for this video

Level 3: Boost health

To learn about the benefits of walking to school.

Here are some benefits of walking to school:

 Walking to school can help children to feel more wide awake and calmer for the start of the school day and therefore more ready to learn.  

Do you agree?  yes or no

 Research shows that walking helps children sleep well and be less stressed, which makes them calmer and happier.

Do you agree?  yes or no

 By reducing the number of cars travelling to school, congestion and air pollution are reduced, making it a safer, happier and cleaner environment for everyone.

Do you agree?  yes or no

 Quality time with family and friends, makes walking more enjoyable and fun! - chatting about your day, playing games, having races or competitions etc.

Do you agree?   yes or no

 Walking can help you to maintain a healthy weight, when combined with a balanced diet, reducing the risk of obesity.

Do you agree?  yes or no

Regular exercise makes children healthier because your heart and lungs can work more effectively, bones stay healthy and it improves your balance.

Do you agree?   yes or no

Children aged 5-12 years old, should have at least 60 minutes of physical activity every day!


 To complete Level 3 

Record your physical activity every day this week.

Do you need to power up your physical activity? 

60 Minutes a Day.mp4

Still image for this video

Level 4: Save the planet

To learn about how walking to school helps the environment.

Walking to school is good for the environment.

Road transport produces 25% of UK carbon dioxide (C02) emissions, which is one of the main causes of climate change. 

Fumes from petrol and diesel cars pollute the air. This makes it harder for everyone to breathe, especially those with asthma or other conditions. 

 To complete Level 4 

What do you notice on your walk to school?

Are there any flowers and trees to attract wildlife?

Is there lots of rubbish?

Are there lots of cars, do you feel safe walking to school?

How could you and your family help to improve the local environment?

Level 5: Lead the way

Children being great Walking to school ambassadors!

How will you be leading the way?



 To complete Level 5 

You will need to have completed levels 1,2,3 and 4 and

we are looking for children who have been actively involved in encouraging their family, class or community to walk to school or improve the environment in their local community this week. This for everyone, not just the Green Team Leaders!


Good luck with the challenge!

You can email what you have been doing using Purple Mash

to Mrs Ayres.

