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Summer 1

Our key concept question for this half term will be:


Should you do the right thing even if others don’t? 


This links to the whole school concepts Citizen and Community. 

In PSED we will be looking at community heroes and considering, 

which people can help us in our community? 

We will be learning about being a good citizen, people who choose to help others and volunteering. We will also be looking at qualities community heroes have such as bravery and kindness.

How would you be a good citizen?

During our Literacy, we will be learning the story of 'Superhero like you'. We will learn a simple explanation by heart and use what we have learnt about community heroes to write an explanation We will also be reading, sequencing and writing instructions to help us plant our seeds.


We will use our phonics to help us with our writing. In handwriting we will learn how to form our next set of letters n, m, h, b, p and u.

Independent writing from our Police Station

In Communication and Language we will know the language of deduction 


I want to be a… because…


We will use the language of non-fiction to recreate ideas within different situations. We will learn and understand new vocabulary. We will be taking part in imaginative play linked to our community heroes.

As mathematicians we will know how to orally count to 50. We will read and write and order the numerals to 20. We will be able to recall one more and one less than a give number.  lWe are going to be looking at the composition of numbers to ten using ten frame, numicon and objects. We will be applying our subtraction and addition skills to number stories. We will know some odd and even numbers and how to share fairly and halve.


We will know some significant times of the day and sequence familiar events. We will be able to compare objects that are fast and slow.

Sequencing events

Number bonds to 10 using Numicon

During PE we will be learning to travel in a variety of different ways and learning how to adjust speed and direction to avoid obstacles. We will be developing our over arm throwing skills. We will review the fundamental movement skills we have already learnt. We will be practising the how to safely climb on the equipment.


Click here to see our outstanding P.E work!

Can you paint with different tools and textures? As artists we will be exploring how to paint without a paintbrush!
We will be looking at Van Gogh’s art; can you recreate Van Gogh’s Sunflowers without using a brush?

As musicians, we will be exploring: 

How do you express yourself to the different types of music that you hear?

Do you know how to keep the pulse? 
Can you identify the pitch of the music?

Can you learn to sing some nursery rhymes and simple songs?

As historians we will be exploring community heroes from the past and be finding out the answer to; who is Florence Nightingale and why is she important? 

As geographers we will learning about different roles in our society.
How can I be a good citizen? 

How can I be part of a community? 
Which people help us in our community? 

As engineers we will be visiting the STEAM Hub and Cooking pot to take part in our STEMterpise week. We will be:        


  • designing a frozen smoothie lolly 
  • exploring changing states of matter 
  • working out costings
  • advertising our smoothie lolly 
  • completing evaluations for our smoothie lolly 