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Summer 1

Our key concept questions for this half term will be: 

Should you do the right thing even if others don't?


                     This links to the whole school concepts

What does it mean to be a citizen?

Is power always a positive thing?


 This links to the following Rights Respecting Articles, Global Goals and British Values.

In PSED we will be learning about taking care of our environment and how to recycle. We will be looking at community heroes such as people who volunteer and work for free. We will also be looking at qualities communities have such as bravery.

As mathematicians we will know how to orally count to 50. We will read and write and order the numerals to 20. We will be able to recall one more and one less than a give number.  lWe are going to be looking at the composition of numbers to ten using ten frame, numicon and objects. We will be applying our subtraction and addition skills to number stories. We will know some odd and even numbers and how to share fairly and halve.


We will know some significant times of the day and sequence familiar events. We will be able to compare objects that are fast and slow.

Sharing amounts equally

Sequencing daily events

Cutting objects in half

During our Literacy, we will be learning the story of 'Superhero like you'. We will learn a simple explanation by heart and use what we have learnt about community heroes to write an explanation We will also be reading, sequencing and writing instructions to help us plant our seeds.


We will use our phonics to help us with our writing. In handwriting we will learn how to form our next set of letters n, m, h, b, p and u.

Reading and sequencing instructions

Writing instructions

After learning about community heroes, some children decided to make wanted posters after role playing that someone had stolen Mrs Khanam’s bag.

Writing about which community hero we might like to be

Independent writing about community heroes

During our RE, we will be learning about special times for Muslims when we will be finding out how people celebrate Eid. 

We will be exploring the theme of special places, what is special about our world and how the community heroes can help us to look after our world.

 As artists we will be working with fabric. We will be weaving and decorating fabric by drawing, painting and sewing. We will use this to inform our final piece by creating a fabric collage of a piece of fruit or vegetable with sewing decorations. 

Drawing on fabric with added detail

Observational paintings of flowers

Fabric collage

As engineers we will be evaluating shakers, exploring a 

variety of containers and things that can go in the 

containers and the sounds they make. We will look at 

different ways of fastening the containers together and 

use all of these skill to design and make our own shaker.

 During music we will continue to learn to sing some more nursery rhymes and action songs. We will listen to a variety of musical styles and respond through movement and sound. As a musician we will be learning to play instruments with a song. We will be exploring pulse, rhythm and pitch through singing, instruments and games.

In P.E, we will be using transport as a theme to develop our skills of balancing, travelling and rolling. With equipment, we will increase the control we have of an object when pushing and patting it and when throwing underarm.

Click here to see our outstanding P.E work!


When learning about the world we will be observing,   

growing and drawing a variety of seeds and plants. We will be scientists looking at different materials, sorting them and learning about how to recycle them.

We have been looking carefully at the snails.

Planting seeds

We have been looking for seeds in our snack

As historians we will be looking at community heroes. We will be learning about Florence Nightingale  and influential figures from past and present who help and support different communities around the world

As geographers we will be looking at how to respect and look after our environment. We will be learning about how the different community heroes help us to take care of the world.

During ICT we will be using IPads to complete activities on see saw and learning how to scan a QR code to access different information and videos.
