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Spring 2

Our key concept questions for this half term will be: 


Who does the world belong to?

Does change always make things better?


This will be discussed through stories and a range of activities that explain about consequences, forgiveness and characteristics such as respect for the environment. Children will be expressing their views and feelings about how their actions can impact change.


This links to the following Rights Respecting Articles, Global Goals and British Values.



When discussing the concept question, we recorded some of ideas and thoughts

In PSED we will be learning about the Hindu celebration of Holi. Through stories we will be looking at the consequences of our actions and those of others and the act of forgiveness. Through our key text we will be exploring the awe and wonder of the natural world, the problems it faces and how we can support our families and friends to make changes and respect the environment.

As mathematicians we will know how to orally count beyond 20. We will read and write all the numerals to 20. We will

learn how to count in tens and subitise to 10 using number patterns. We will be learning how to find one more and one less using number lines. Now that we have learnt the composition of numbers to 5, we will be looking at the subtraction facts which relate to these. We will continue to use ‘part, part, whole’ as a method of exploring addition and subtraction to 10. We will know our doubles facts to ten.


We will compare and sequence objects by height and use non standard units to measure objects by height. We will use objects, shapes and colours to copy, continue and create complex patterns.

Writing numerals to 20

Using numicon (tens and ones) to make teen numbers

Making a number line

3 colour patterns

Using numicon for addition

During our Literacy, we will be learning the story of 'Elephant in my kitchen'. We will practise the story with actions to help us learn it by heart. 

We will change some of the sentences to create our own innovated sentences including the use of conjunctions. We will      use technology to publish our work learning how to speak clearly.


We will use our phonics to help us with our writing.

In handwriting we will learn how to form our next set of letters c, o, a, d, g, q, e and s.

During our RE, we will be learning about special times

for Hindus when we will be finding out how people celebrate Holi. 


We will be exploring the theme of special places. We will read stories, watch videos and look at pictures which will reveal the awe and wonder of the natural world, some of the problems it faces and things we can do to make a change. This links to our whole school concept of change.


We will be listening to stories from special books linked to different religions.

As artists we will be exploring the technique of collage and using this to inform our final piece of creating a mosaic fish.

We will also be exploring sculpture using salt dough to create different aspects of the natural world.

We are painting pictures of different animals

Using the technique or tearing to create different animal patterns

Tonal variations

Using the technique of collage

As story tellers we will be retelling familiar stories such as 'Elephant in my kitchen' and using the tales toolkit format to create and tell our own stories.

Creating props to support story telling

During music we will continue to learn to sing some more nursery rhymes and action songs. We will listen to a variety of musical styles and respond through movement and sound. As a musician we will be learning to play instruments with a song. We will be exploring pulse, rhythm and pitch through singing, instruments and games.


In Orienteering, we will follow our Whole School Cross-Curricular Orienteering Scheme of Work. We will be learning the skills of Orienteering including how to follow instructions and move forwards, backwards, left and right. We will learn how to read and follow simple maps and develop our spatial awareness alongside our Fundamental Movement Skills.  

Click here to see our outstanding P.E work!

Responding to simple instructions to create a reality of a map.

Still image for this video

When learning about the world we will be exploring spring. We will be scientists learning about the changes brought by spring. We will be visiting Spring Wood to see these changes in the natural world. 


We will have the responsibility of hatching six eggs from a local farm and looking after the chicks once they've hatched. We will be recording our observations using ICT. 


Linked to our key texts we will be learning about animals and their habitats and the problems that they face.

We have been using our noticing skills to draw chicks and daffodils.

We went to Spring Wood to look for signs of spring

From Farm to Fork - the life of a carrot

Investigating smells. Which smell makes you feel happy?

As historians we will be looking at how the world has

changed over time and influential figures from past and present who have raised awareness of the issues faced by the natural world. We will be exploring extinction including animals that are now extinct and how we can help prevent other animals from becoming extinct.

As geographers we will be looking at where animals live in different parts of the world, the problems they face and the changes we can make to help. As part of our whole school concept of trade we will be investigating fair trade and looking at how fair trade supports farmers respect human rights. This will include child labour and ensuring famers receive a fair price for their product. 

Creating posters about how to protect the planet

During ICT we will be using IPads to take photographs and videos to record the lives of the chicks that hatch from the eggs. 

We will explore directional coding and write instructions using the code-a-pillar app. We will be using QR codes to direct children to appropriate websites to research animals and their habitats.
