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Thursday 1st July 2021

LC: To write the resolution and ending to a story focusing on Clive King's novel features and includes previously taught writing skills.

Today, you will write your resolution and ending to a story based on Clive King's Snarget chapter from Stig of the Dump.


Your resolution must include:

Fronted adverbials

- Non-standard English dialogue for the Snargets and Barney

-Nouns for precision

-Similes for comparison



Your ending must include:

- The ending is back at Granny’s house

- Fronted adverbials 

- Standard English dialogue between Granny and Barney

You will use the 'Snarget' story resolution and ending, and the resolution and ending part of your plan (on Seesaw) to help you.

Resolution and ending plan, and The Snargets resolution and ending
