Home Page

Year 4

We are delighted to welcome you to Year 4.


This web page will be updated with useful information and photographs of the fantastic work we have done in class and at home, so please check it regularly.



 The time has come!

We will be completing the times table check! We need to make sure that we know all our tables facts and answer the questions accurately in 6 seconds.

We will also learn how to count across zero both forwards and backwards to include negative numbers. We will spend the rest of the time revising and practising the areas that we don't feel as confident on.







In PSHCE, we will be looking at Economic Wellbeing (money) by being able to recognise that people make spending decisions based on priorities, needs and wants, understanding how to keep track of money and why it is important to know how much is being spent, learning about the different ways to keep track of money and understand the different ways to pay for things and the choices people have about this, learning that some jobs are paid more than others and money is one factor which may influence a person’s job or career choice; that people may choose to do voluntary work which is unpaid.  We will also learning about aspirations, work and careers by being able to recognise positive things about ourselves and our achievements; set goals to help achieve personal outcomes recognising our interests, skills and achievements and how these might link to future jobs, learning about some of the skills that will help us in our future careers e.g. teamwork, communication and negotiation and learning that there is a broad range of different jobs/careers that people can have; that people often have more than one career/type of job during their life 





Pupils will be creating a podcast on thier iPad using the theme of cyberbullying, they will cover what cyberbulling is, the different types of cyberbulling and how to report an incident of cyberbully. They will write a script that will be recorded using garageband and edit their recordings adding background music. 



Cyberbullying Podcast

Still image for this video



In Athletics, we will perform various throws using pull, push, and sling actions for distance. We will also explore different running and 5 jumping techniques. We will recognise strengths and areas for improvement in our own performance.

