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Using our musical instruments on the Stoneyholme Stage!

The children have walked around our school grounds looking for signs of autumn and collecting objects to explore in the classroom. 

The children have been working on their core strength. We have been using lots of different equipment and obstacles to help us get stronger. 

We have been using the water stem outside to work on our engineering skills. We have been joining different pipes together to make the water flow. We watched the water move and had a competition to see which pipes moved it the quickest. 

We have been exploring the snow and ice. How does the hot water and sun change the snow?

Have you ever noticed what happens to your breath when it’s cold

What do you think will happen to these objects if we leave them out overnight?

Using an IPad to take photographs of the frost and ice

Visit to Spring Wood to look for signs of spring

We have been looking carefully at the snails

Planting seeds
