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Year 6

Autumn 1

Year 6 have been applying their knowledge of what causes night and day using keynote on their iPads. They have used timings and transitions to create an automated presentation then converted that to video.

Syeda 6W

Still image for this video

Maryam K 6W

Still image for this video

Autumn 2

Year 6 have been creating blogs on Charles Darwin.


Year 6 have been researching Charles Darwin on the Internet they have been using the information gathered to create informative blogs. They have had to show their understand of the key features of a blog and write their research as an informative text incorporating digital artefacts within their blogs and if suitable include digital voice recordings. 

Adburrahman 6G


Ruhan 6W



Scratch coding

Using scratch to show continental drift over 240 million years.





Spring 1

Year 6 have been looking at what makes their personal digital footprint, using their Internet search skills they have also been researching how long their digital footprint lasts, how easy it is to delete their digital footprint and who can access it.

Digital Footprint

The Digital Revolution.


Year 6 have been thinking about the digital revolution, what it is, how long it has been taking place and how the digital revolution has impacted on lives and trade.

The Digital Revolution

Python Coding
