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Warm up

Write the sentences out below. Once you have written both the sentences, add commas to each of them in order to clarify meaning.


Think about how the meaning of the sentence changes when a comma or commas are added in the correct place.

Today we are going to be focusing on a character from the story of Macbeth. We are going to be describing their appearance, personality and actions. This will help us gather information around the character so when we are writing our own playscripts, we can visualise what the character will be like as a person.

Step 1

Read the extract from the story of Macbeth below. This is the scene where Macbeth kills King Duncan. 


As you read, think carefully about Macbeth's actions. What do they tell you about the kind of person he is?

Step 2

Look at the picture of Macbeth below.


Can you think of any adjectives to describe his appearance?


What about expanded noun phrases to be more descriptive?


From the text we have just read, what actions does Macbeth perform? What is the main action he does?

Step 3

Look at the adjectives below.


Choose 3 adjectives from the list that you think best describe Macbeth's personality.

Step 4

Read the model below.


As you can see, Macbeth's appearance has described in detail.


Three adjectives have been chosen to describe his personality.


His actions have been identified and described.

We are now going to follow the same process to describe Lady Macbeth's appearance, personality and actions.


Step 5

Look at the picture of Lady Macbeth below.


Can you think of any adjectives to describe her appearance?


What about expanded noun phrases to be more descriptive?


From the text we have just read, what actions does Lady Macbeth perform? What is the main action she does?

Step 6

Look at the adjectives below.


Choose 3 adjectives from the list that you think best describe Lady Macbeth's personality.


Think back to extract from the story we have read, does she do anything that tells us what kind of person she is?


Just like the model, you are going to describe Lady Macbeth's appearance, personality and actions.


Use the extract from the story we have read to help you understand her as a person.


You will need to use sub-headings like below.


If you are at home, complete the task in your blended learning book.


When you have finished, send a picture of your work to your teacher on SEESAW!
