Home Page

Year 5

We are delighted to welcome you to

Year 5. 


 This web page will be updated with useful information and photographs of the fantastic work we have done in class and at home, so please check it regularly.

Welcome to Summer 2






Older Literature - William Shakespeare's Macbeth






Macbeth Act 1 scene 3

Still image for this video

Macbeth Act 1 scene 4 Performing the scene

Sentences about Macbeth with an omitted pronoun.



In reading lessons, we will continue to develop our comprehension skills so that we have strategies for helping us understand more complex texts. We will focussing on complete texts over a number of days, practising and applying a different comprehension skill each day or every few days. We will continue to read and be read to for a range of purposes across the curriculum. 


We will be challenging ourselves to read more widely in our independent reading. This will help us to make more informed choices about what we enjoy reading and what books to choose to read for pleasure.



In Maths, we are going to be be following the Maths No problem Scheme.  


We will be developing our knowledge and understanding on geometry, position and direction and measurement and how we can use these in the real world.








Materials and their properties.









Using our observation skills to investigate which materials are magnetic.

Investigating methods of separating materials using sieving, filtering and evaporation

Exploring the outdoors to see how many different materials we can see

Using observation skills to identify and test the properties of materials

Investigating the properties of materials.

We are investigating which solute dissolve in a solvent to make a solution.

Delicious strawberry plants grow by year 5.



Using a compass to navigate the maze.




Sketching portraits using chiaroscuro



In Computing, we are going to be learning about Online safety and how to make the right choice when using technology. 

In Computer Science we will also be learning how to combine sequences of instructions and procedures to turn devices on and off and how to design algorithms that use repetition & 2-way selection. 



In Music, we will be using the Charanga scheme to learn about how music is used to bring us together. 


How does music improve our world? 

We have been writing our very own raps, all about the environment, using our knowledge of rhythm, tempo and style. Here are some of 5MR’s brilliant work!



In Athletics, we will perform running techniques for short and long distances. We will perform various push, pull, and sling throws and use a combination of jumps focusing on take-off and land. Take part in a class Athletics event and set personal goals to improve our performances.



In Year 5, our focus question for the year is:

Where can we find guidance about how to live our lives?


This half term our focus question is: 

Do people need laws to guide them?








Does change always make things better?




Global Goals focus:



This half term we are focusing on how to maintain a healthy mind and body and the world of work.


We will learn about the importance of physical exercise for our mental and physical health and the benefit of being outside in fresh air and daylight.



We will also look at jobs and future careers and consider why people choose certain careers. We will understand what might influence people's decisions about a job or career including pay, working conditions and family. We will also look at the variety of routes into work, like college, university or apprenticeships.













Archived Blended Learning 
