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Warm up

As you can see, the two sentences below do not have any punctuation. With our warm this week being action a dialogue, the sentences below include both of these elements.


For your warm up task you have to re-write both of the sentences below with the correct punctuation.


Think carefully about when the person is talking and where your open inverted commas need to go and where your closed inverted commas need to go.

Today we are going to be preparing ourselves to write an independent story based on the 'Daggers for King Duncan' scene from Macbeth. 


Over the next three days you are going plan and write your independent story based on a video clip. 


Today's task is to understand the plot of the scene and what events you are going to be writing about in each paragraph.


You are also going to think about who is talking throughout the scene.

Step 1

First, watch the video clip below from start to finish.


As you watch the clip, think carefully what is happening and who is talking.

Step 2

Look at the plan below. The plot has been chunked for you. It has also been split into paragraphs to help you understand what you are going to be writing about in each of them.


Read the plot of the scene.

Step 3

Now look at the time frame of each paragraph. It is in the left column in the table above.


Re-watch the video.


First, stop the video as the time reaches 1:40. Think carefully about what unfolds in the first part of the video you have just watched. These events will be in your 1st paragraph.


Next, start the video again and stop it when the time reaches 3:28. Think carefully about what unfolds in the second part of the video you have just watched. These events will be in your 2nd paragraph.


Then, start the video again and stop it when the time reaches 4:10. Think carefully about what unfolds in the third part of the video you have just watched. These events will be in your 3rd paragraph.


Finally, start video again and watch it to the end. Think carefully about what unfolds in the fourth part of the video you have just watched. These events will be in your 4th paragraph.

Step 4

Look at the next 4 slides below. These are examples that are going to help you get going with your task. As you can see, the paragraphs have been split into 4.

Paragraph 1

Paragraph 2

Paragraph 3

Paragraph 4


For each paragraph, 1 piece of dialogue is shown as an example. I have watched the clip and stopped it when a person has talked and I have written down this dialogue. Look at each of them below.


Watch the clips again in the time frame of the paragraph. For example, watch from:


1. The start to 1:40 for Paragraph 1


2. 1:40 to 3:28 for Paragraph 2


3. 3:38 to 4:10 for Paragraph 3


4. 4:10 to the end for Paragraph 4


Write any dialogue you hear from the clip under the sub-heading of the correct paragraph like below. One piece of dialogue has been done for you to help you get started.


Clue: Stop the video after a person has said something.

Don't write all you sub-headings at once. Complete the paragraphs one by one.


Write the person's name who has spoken in brackets at the end of the sentence (like the model below).


What it should look like in your book
