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New Vocabulary


tangled - 

Twisted together untidily or matted. 

His hair was a tangled mess.


squatted -

To crouched down  balancing on your feet with your legs bent. 

squatted down in front of him.


grunting -

Making a low sound, typically to express effort or lack of interest.  

The boys were grunting as they played tennis.


fluttered - 

Moved with a light irregular or trembling motion. 

Flags of different countries fluttered in the breeze.


glinting - 

Giving out or reflecting small flashes of light. 

Her glasses were glinting in the firelight.


craned -

Stretched out one's body or neck in order to see something. 

She craned forward to look more clearly.


poked - 

Thrusted in a particular direction. 

I poked my head around the door to see what was going on.


scrambled -

Made one's way quickly or awkwardly using your hands as well as feet. -

We scrambled over the damp boulders.


swaying -

To move slowly or rhythmically backwards and forwards or from side to side. 

He was swaying slightly on his feet.


thrashed -

To move in a wild or violent way, often hitting against something.

The ocean thrashed against the rocks near the lighthouse.
