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Talking Maths 6th

Over the past few days, we have looked at rounding 1 number in order to help us solve an addition question.

Today, we will need to round both in order to solve the question. 

Let’s look at one together.


47 + 72


Just like the last few days, start by rounding each number to the nearest 10.


What is 47 to the nearest 10?

How many did I need to add/subtract?

What is 72 to the nearest 10?

How many did I need to add/subtract?



For 47 we added 3.

For 72 we subtracted 2.


Now, we need to solve the question.


50 + 70 = 120


Like the previous days,  we need to revert the rounding we did earlier.


So, for 47 we added 3.

If we revert this, we need to subtract 3.

120 - 3 = 117


For 72 we subtracted 2.

If we revert this, we need to add 2.

117 + 2 = 119


Now, we are back to our original question. 


47 + 72 = 119


Your turn. 

38 + 66


79 + 64


123 + 76


67 + 138

