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Summer Term 2


In English this term, we have had a delivery of our very own pet train and we will be reading the book 'How to Train a Train'. 


We will be writing stories, descriptions, instructions, information texts and persuasive texts based on trains and transport.


In Phonics, we will be continue learning new sounds and using our phonics knowledge to read and write. We will also be reading and writing tricky words.

Making trains with Play-Doh.


In maths we are learning to recognise and know the value of money, learning to measure by ordering three objects by mass or capacity, describing position and direction including whole, half, quarter and three-quarter turns, as well as 'clockwise' and 'anti-clockwise'.


In addition to this, we will learn about time - the language of time, days of the week, months, years and also learn to tell the time to the hour and half past the hour.

In Maths we looked at comparing Volume.


In science we will be identifying, comparing and observing the changes across the four seasons. 

Identifying different colours around school grounds.

British Value and RRS:

We will develop our understanding of British Values further by linking them through our learning and in our assembly times. This half term we will focus on Individual Liberty, Mutual Respect and the Rule of Law.


Article 12 - Respect for children’s view

Article 14 - Freedom of thought, conscience and religion

Article 16 - the right to privacy; 

Article 17 - access to information


In RE this term we are looking at Hinduism and ‘What do Hindus believe about God?’
- Talk about the belief in one God who is shown in many forms.

- Children will investigate the use of Murtis (Images) in Hindu Worship.

- Discuss the different ways that people can be seen and described.

- Reflect on how others might see the Hindu God. 

We designed our own Hindu Gods and shrines.


In Summer 2 we will be discussing 2 topics; Health and Prevention and Ourselves Growing and changing.

- To understand how to keep safe in the sun and protect skin from sun damage. 
- To identify what they are good at, what they like and dislike.

- To learn about preparing to move to a new class/year group. 


We will be following the Scheme on Charanga YUMU

'Introducing Tempo and Dynamics'.


We will be listening to and appraising a range of different music.

We will listen to different musical sstyles - Blues, Baroque, Latin, Bhangra, Folk and Funk.


We will also be singing, improving our rhythm skills, improvising and playing our own music.


In Athletics, we will develop our Fundamental Movement Skills. We will be focusing on our overarm and underarm throwing and rolling skills, by exploring different activities to improve our distance and accuracy. We will also use various obstacles and courses to improve our running. We will demonstrate different speeds of running and change of direction to improve our agility. By demonstrating control and balance we will use a variety of equipment to help us improve our jumping. 

Warming up with SportsCool for dodgeball.


Throughout Summer 2, we will continue exploring lots of different exercises and activities that will help develop physical and emotional well-being.


Learning outside of the Classroom

Learning outside the classroom is an integral part of learning at Stoneyholme hence we will be using our outside area for lots of our learning.

Watering plants...

Trading with Mr Hussain.

Picking radishes to trade.


Creating a big shark using small plastic items we have collected.
