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Summer 2


This half term, we will be consolidating all the knowledge we have gained in Year 1. We will be writing stories, descriptions, instructions, information and persuasive texts. We will also be learning poetry off by heart so we can perform it to others and inventing our own poems based on models.


As Mathematicians, we are learning to recognise and know the value of money, learning to measure by ordering three objects by mass or capacity, describing position and direction including whole, half, quarter and three-quarter turns, as well as 'clockwise' and 'anti-clockwise'. To help your child at home, please encourage them to look at the price of things in shops and talk about the different coins and notes needed to buy items.


As Scientists, we will draw together our knowledge of what we have observed throughout the seasons and describe what we have found out.

We will also be taking part in the Stemterprise Project, applying our knowledge from Engineering to make a healthy dish- keep looking at this page to find out what it is.


As Historians we will develop an understanding of events, people and changes through historical enquiry. We will investigate how toys have changed and communicate our findings in a variety of ways. You could help your child by sharing with them what toys you liked to play with at their age.


As Theologians we will be answering the question 'What do Hindus believe about God?' We will listen to stories shared by Hindus and express our understanding of the meanings to some of the pictures and statues used in worship.


We will create a series of instructions using Scratch coding. We will also record and playback sound.


We will be developing skills needed for Athletics including running, jumping, changing direction, throwing and catching a ball. You could help your child by taking them to large open spaces where they have the space to practise.


As Engineers we will be applying and further developing our knowledge of strengthening sheet materials and joining using a range of linkages and fasteners.


As Musicians we will answering the question 'How does Music teach us about looking after our planet?' We will explore sound and create a story with music.


We will be learning how to keep ourselves safe in the sun and how to protect ourselves from sun damage. We will also share our thoughts about the changes we have made throughout the year and what changes are ahead of us as we move to Year 2.

Learning outside the classroom

Learning outside the classroom is an integral part of learning at Stoneyholme, hence we will be using our outside area for lots of our learning.
