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Spring 2



In English, we will be reading Traditional Stories (English Folk Tales). We will be exploring lots of different Folk Tales and learning the features and structure of the genre. We will use Talk for Writing to learn the story 'The Greenling’, and then write our own versions. We will be inferring character thoughts, feelings and actions throughout this unit. One of our main grammar focuses is complex sentences, using a comma where the subordinating clause comes first. We will learn about subordination for reason and develop characters with the story. In addition to this, children will perfect their use of inverted commas for speech. 

The children are orally rehearsing their versions of the Greenling

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In maths, we will be continue to learn about how to solve problems using our knowledge of measurement including length, weight and volume. 

Children who continue to complete their maths homework and learn their multiplication tables will be at an advantage during this half term's learning! Please encourage your children to practise at home. We want every child to have mastered the 8-times table this term! 
Children will be using TT Rockstars daily to help them improve.



As scientists, we will be investigating the characteristics of rocks and soils. We will compare and group together different kinds of rocks on the basis of their appearance and simple physical properties. We will investigate and describe how fossils are formed when things that have lived are trapped within rock. We will also investigate and observe how soils are made from rocks and organic matter. Will explore the local school environment to find practical ways of investigating! 


In Geography we are exploring ‘Rivers’. We are learning where rivers start and finish, how other streams join the river on its journey and we will be researching rivers in our local environment and across the world! 



In RE we will be learning more about Christianity. We will be thinking about what it means to be a disciple of Jesus.  We will explore the beliefs and values held by Christians. During the term we will be visiting a local Church to help us understand better. 

In RE we have begun our learning on discussing the qualities Jesus had and how he influenced the disciple Simon Peter. The children hot-seated each other after learning about Jesus the saviour. 


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Still image for this video

Information Technology

We will use a range of software used for similar purposes and work with various forms of input and output. 


In Orienteering, we will follow our Whole School Cross-Curricular Orienteering Scheme of Work. We will be cooperating and working together as a team to complete challenges. We will generate ideas, try out different solutions, follow concise instructions and use individual strengths. We will support and encourage our team members.

Map Keys & Matching Symbols 🗾


As artists, we will be practising drawing skills, which will involve tone and 3-D drawing. We will use vibrant colours to paint in the style of a new artist, Florent Stosskopf, in 2D. We will compare Florent’s style to William Morris. Eventually, we will use our paintings to create press print designs. Using  rollers to apply paint, we will print, repeat and flip the designs to produce works of art. 


Creating different effects and textures with paint.


In PSHCE will learn about self-worth and setbacks, recognising our own individuality.

We will identify personal strengths, skills, achievements and interests and how these contribute to a sense of self-worth.


We will recognise common challenges to self-worth; for example, finding school work difficult or experiencing friendship issues.

We will learn basic strategies to manage and reframe setbacks. 



In music we will learning how music helps us get to know our community.

