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Spring 1


We are producing an explanation text about the lifecycle of a flowering plant. Following this, we will be writing poems based on the theme, ‘trees and plants’. 

Using role play to understand the pollination process.

Our zigzag explanation booklets


As mathematicians, we are measuring the mass and volume of objects and liquids.

Using practical methods to measure the capacity of containers







Using line, tone, and texture to draw from observation using pencil and pastel.



In Dance, we will select travelling actions and movements to convey different characters, along varied pathways.  We will also create a sequence conveying a challenge using travel, turn and gesture.  Finally, we will combine all elements, in order to tell a story.

Counts 1-8 using travel, turn and gesture actions 🕺

Still image for this video


Desktop Publishing

Pupils will become familiar with the terms ‘text’ and ‘images’ and understand that they can be used to communicate messages. They will use desktop publishing software and consider careful choices of font size, colour and type to edit and improve premade documents. Learners will be introduced to the terms ‘templates’, ‘orientation’, and ‘placeholders’ and begin to understand how these can support them in making their own template.

British Values and Rights Respecting School

We will continue to develop our understanding of British Values linking them through our learning and in our assembly times. This half term we will focus on Individual Liberty, Mutual Respect and the Rule of Law.


We will focus on article 29: Education must develop every child's personality, talents and abilities to the full. It must encourage the child's respect for human rights, as well as respect for their parents, their own and other cultures, and the environment.


