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Reading 2

Monday 30th November, 2020

LC: To use punctuation to determine intonation, tone and expression when reading aloud.

When reading aloud, it is important to use intonation, expression and take note of punctuation to help you read. 


Intonation is the rise and fall of the voice when speaking. 

Do you read something quietly or loudly?

Are some words clearly stressed when you read? 


Expression is when thoughts and feelings are made clear. 

When reading aloud, this could mean using your voice and face to show a character is furious, downhearted, excited or worried.  


Punctuation can help you decide how to read sentences aloud. 

Question marks (?) make you express curiosity.

Your voice may go high-pitched in places to show this. You may also stress some key words in the question.


Exclamation marks (!) make you speak with lots of expression. 

Do you need to speak firmly, excitedly or angrily? 


Inverted commas (" ") tell you someone is speaking.

How do they speak? You can look ahead for the verb which tells you how they spoke to decide how you speak. Do you need to whisper, yell,  groan or mutter perhaps? 


Listen to the teacher reading the below passage from the Snow Queen.

Can you hear the intonation and expression in their voice?

Have they taken note of the punctuation?  


Reading with intonation and expression.wav

Now it is your turn.

Read the rest of Chapter 4 of the Snow Queen. Make sure you take note of the punctuation to help you read with intonation and expression. 



