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Extract from ‘Evie Saves the Jungle’ pages 59–60


“Wow! You’re bigger than Ed Sheeran,” her friend Ramesh texted. “You should make a song! I could play guitar. You could be a star. You could be Ed Sheeran.” “Ramesh!” she texted back from her bed at Professor García’s house. “You are forgetting one thing. I don’t want to be Ed Sheeran.” But the truth was, this time Evie didn’t mind being famous. If being a bit famous could help save the Amazon rainforest and Professor García’s charity it was worth it. And within a week they had raised enough money to stop the loggers buying the Monkey Lands. Which meant the jaguar was safe. And within a month they had raised ten million sol. Sol was the type of money in Peru. And ten million was a lot of it. Professor García made them tacu tacu every night. “You know you came into my office and said I was your hero? Well, you are my hero. You are the greatest hero of all time. You have saved the charity. You have saved parts of the jungle. You are a jungle saviour!”


R:Why is Evie so famous now? Why doesn’t she ‘mind being famous’?


I: Why does Professor García describe Evie as a ‘hero’ and a ‘saviour’? What has she managed to do? 


C: Can you think of any other inspiring young people who are well known around the world? Give examples.

