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Mobile phones have no place in school! What good reason is there for allowing pupils to bring an object capable of so much disruption in to school?


Firstly, let's look at the amount of mobile phone footage on YouTube: we can see both pupils and teachers being humiliated in front of a world-wide audience. It is appalling that people should be made to suffer in this way!


Some people may argue that pupils need to contact their parents. Newsflash - schools have landlines that don't suffer from poor reception, that don't run out of credit and don't disrupt learning.


It could be argued that it is necessary to carry a mobile for protection in case children are being followed. This is fine if children want to be a magnet for thieves and criminals. Phone, money, identification - which one will they steal first?


Can a teacher really compete with the latest gossip on Facebook? Will a head teacher be able to intercept a bully texting their victims all sorts of horrible insults? Is it a good idea for children to bring their mobile phone in to school?


The answer is quite simply, no!


R - Where will I find footage of a teacher or pupil being humiliated?

I - Which of the items does it suggest would be stolen first? Identity, money or phone?

C - Why has the writer used several rhetorical questions within the last paragraph?
