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Today we are going to be exploring words within the context of the text. You are going to be reading sentences and identifying the meaning of a word within the sentence.

Step 1

Look at the slide below. We are going to identify what 'Multiple Meaning Words' are. 


Have you ever come across a word that means two different things but is spelt the same? I bet you have. Sometimes words are spelt the same but have completely different meanings. 

Step 2

Look at the example below at the word 'set'. It can have four different meanings.

Step 3

Have a go at the model below. Can you work out what the word bill means in the sentence?

Step 4

Have a go at the model below. Can you work out what the word bark means in the sentence?


There are 4 questions to complete. Read the sentence in each question. Then, identify what the underlined word means in the sentence. 


Just like the model.

How your work should be presented in your book.


Thursday 9th December

LC: To explore the meaning of words within the context of the text.


1. Box means...


2. Squash means...


3. Head means...


4. Clip means...
