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Friday 11th June 2021

LC: To demonstrate active reading strategies: generating questions and refining thinking.

Good readers generate questions as they read.

It helps them to makes sense of what they are reading and to question anything that they do not understand or seems ‘unfamiliar’ to them.


As they continue to read, their questions can be answered by

1. Looking for clues in the text to help them make inferences.

2. Finding explicit information in the text that answers their questions.


Sometimes, the explicit information or clues in the text that they find helps the reader to refine their original thinking and questions.



This means that the questions and thoughts they once had are revised and edited before they continue reading.


Your teacher will now model generating questions and refining thinking when reading part of the Stig of the Dump text.






Refine thinking: 










Refine thinking:





Your Challenge

1. Read Stig of the Dump from page 72 (‘Stig, I’ve got to go’) until page 74 (changed his shoes).


2. As you read, generate questions and refine your thinking based on Barney’s journey home in the dark.


Use the teacher model to help you.

This task can be found on Seesaw.

Activity name: Generating Questions and Refining Thinking
