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Wednesday 24th May 2021

L.C. To demonstrate active reading strategies - Refining Thinking



Readers make predictions all the time by using clues that the author gives them, and by using their own personal knowledge. 

In the activity above, you used the clues from my actions.

You also used knowledge from past experiences to make your predictions.


Today, we are going to use our prediction skills. After we have made our predictions we will check to see if we were correct before refining our thoughts.


 We are going to use the chart below to help with this. 




In year 1, Trisha sat in a circle with the other children. They were looking at the book 'Our Neighbourhood', The children were sounding out the letters and words. But when Trisha looked at a page, all she saw was wiggling shapes, and when she tried to sound out the words, the other children laughed at her. 

"Trisha, what are you looking at in that book?" they'd say mockingly.

While the other children moved up onto their second and third reading books, Trisha stayed alone on 'Our Neighbourhood'. Trisha began to feel different. She began to feel dumb.




By year 3, Trisha still couldn't read. Now Trisha wanted to go to school less and less. She would make excuses like, "I have a stomach ache." or "I have a sore throat". Mr. Falker was her new teacher.

One day, Mr Falker made Trisha stand up and read, which she hated. She was stumbling over words and the page was going fuzzy. The other children in the class began to laugh.

Mr. Falker said "Stop! Are all of you perfect?"


Mr. Falker asked Trisha to stay in during lunchtime. He put some words on the board and asked Trisha to read them. Trisha put her head down and wanted to cry. Mr Falker comforted her by saying, "You poor baby. You think you are dumb, don't you? How awful for you to be so lonely and afraid. We're going to change all that, girl. You're going to read - I promise you that."


Everyday Mr Falker and Miss Plessy, a reading teacher, would work with Trisha. The worked hard each day and Trisha started to make progress.


And then one day in spring, Mr Falker put a book in front of her. She'd never seen it before. He turned to a page in the middle of the book and pointed at a paragraph. Almost as if it were magic, the words and sentences started to take shape on the page, like Trisha had never seen before. "" Slowly, she read a sentence. Then another, and another. And finally she'd read a paragraph. 

She didn't notice but Mr. Falker and Miss Plessy had tears in their eyes because she was so pleased with herself. 


Your Task


On Seesaw, you have been give 2 parts of a story. Make a prediction based on the first part. Read page 2 see if you were correct then refine your thoughts.

