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Tuesday 23rd May 2021

L.C. To demonstrate active reading strategies - Modifying Questions


Good readers actively ask questions before, during, and after reading. 


Before reading, you might ask yourself:

What will the story be about?

What could I learn?

What do I already know?


You may also ask yourselves the questions you generated on Friday (based on the cover and blurb).  


During reading, you pay attention to clues in the text that spark more questions.

Your  questions are constantly changing because when we discover the answers, new questions will arise. 


When reading, the answer to one of our questions can lead to what our next thought or question might be.


What's In the bag?




Let's look at how the activity above links to reading.


It was the time of year Farmer Bailey liked best, when summer turned to fall. He whistled as he drove along. A cool breeze blew across his face through the truck's open window. Then it happened. There was a loud "Thump!" Mr Bailey jammed on his brakes.




"Oh no!" he thought, "I've hit a deer."




But, it wasn't a deer the farmer found lying in the road. It was a man.


Your Task


On Seesaw, you have been given the next 2 parts to this story. Generate questions based on what you have read.



