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LC to read playscripts

You are going to read a short part of a play which is based on a familiar story. Read it as a class first and then answer the questions below.


Little Red Riding Hood

Scene 3

The Wolf and Red Riding Hood walk along the forest path together.


Little Red Riding Hood: If you know my Grandmother then come along with me as I am on my way to her house.


Wolf: Oh no little girl, I walk much faster than you. I will see you there!


Little Red Riding Hood: Take care Mr Wolf, see you soon.


Wolf: (waves back) Au revoir!

The Wolf disappears into the trees.

R - What reason does the Wolf give for not walking with Little Red Riding Hood?

The Wolf ____________________.


I - What is the real reason for Mr Wolf wanting to walk in front of her?

The real reason is __________________.


C - There is a sentence at the end which is not speech. Why is it there? 
Can you write some stage directions for Red Riding Hood?
