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Today, we are going to make inference around how characters are feeling and what they are thinking. 

Remind yourself of the pages that we read yesterday. They have been attached for you below. 

Now have a look at the model example below which gives you a statement. You have to decide if it is true or false then go back to the text and find the sentence that supports your answer. If you think it is true you have to explain why. 


In the example below, we know that Alice was confused by her own character and there has been evidence given from the text to support the answer. 


Remember evidence from the text has to be copied out exactly like it says in the text and it should have quotation marks around it. 


Now it is your turn. 


You need to write the date and LC in your home learning book. 


Then like the model shows, you need to write out the questions and answer whether it is True or False. After this, you need to give some evidence from the text to support your answer with quotation marks. 


Please leave a line in between each question and use neat presentation as we would have done if we were in school. 


