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Reading 2

Video for Blended Learners

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Tuesday 6th July 2021

L.C. To scan for names, dates and numbers.


When using a text to gather content, we can skim/scan in order to save time.


When we skim and scan we can quickly locate key information. Key information which stand out are such things as: date, numbers and names. 


Date and numbers stand out as they tend to use numerals. However, they sometimes use written form e.g. nine

Name usually stand out by the use of capital letters.  


Often, researchers will first scan and highlight a text for dates, numbers and names. 


We are going to be following this same format today. 


Your class teacher will model with the following text.



Now you have highlighted the dates, numbers and names, answer the following questions.


Which city did the Vikings capture in AD 866?


 What did King Alfred do after he was beaten?


Your Challenge

Scan through the text and highlight any names, dates or numbers you find.

Using your highlighted text answer the retrieval questions that follow.
