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Reading 1

Video for Blended Learners

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Thursday 8th July 2021

L.C. To identify and collect effective words and phrases for exaggeration.

Today, we are  going to look through texts and identify where exaggeration has been used.


What is exaggeration?


"I'm so full I could burst"

"The weather is boiling hot"

"It has taken me forever to complete that task"

"I jumped so high, I almost landed on the moon!"


Where is the exaggeration in the following text?


The second reason is that you show aggressive behaviour towards others. Whilst I understand your view that I annoyed you by throwing clay at your shack, I think differently because I was just trying to have a bit of fun. The fact that you came out and threatened to put me in a dungeon and fill me with ‘arrers’ was extremely cruel and hurt me to my core. I could have died with the panic that this caused me. How would you like it if somebody told you they would hurt you in such a horrible way? We could have handled the situation better by talking about what had happened and shared our views without the need to become aggressive. This can help you to become sympathetic of others and develop the ability to be accepting. By becoming sympathetic, you will develop a more positive outlook on life. This in turn will improve your reputation within the community.


Your Challenge


Find the exaggeration in the texts you have been given and highlight it.

Then explain why this is exaggeration.

e.g. This is exaggeration because...
