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R.E. Christianity

What is Christingle?

Christingle is a celebration that brings people together to share the light of Jesus and spread a message of hope.

To find out more about how some Christians celebrate Christingle, look through the pictures below and read the information carefully.

Now it's your turn!

If you are in school, we will make a Christingle each in class. If you are at home and you have the ingredients, you can make one with an adult in your house. Don't worry if you can't make one today, we will make one when you return to class.

If you are in school, fill in the information on the sheet below. If you are at home, draw a Christingle into your blended learning book and write around the side what each part represents. All the information is in the information you have read.
Finally, send a picture of your work to your teacher so it can be added to the website.