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RE Christianity

Key Question: What do people say about God?

Focus Question: How might some people show that they 'belong' to God?

Am I aware of what it means to 'belong' to a family?

Let’s begin by revisiting our learning from before Christmas when we learned about baby Jesus and thought about what roles and responsibilities families have in taking care of babies.

There are two new articles to learn about, to help us further understand our rights as a child.

Article 7- Every child has the right to be registered at birth, to have a name and nationality, and, as far as possible to know and be cared for by their parents.

Article 8- Every child has the right to an identity. Governments must respect and protect that right, and prevent the child's name, nationality or family relationships from being changed unlawfully.

What does it mean to belong?

Belonging is feeling like a part of a group or community. This might be a family, a friendship group, a hobby group or a religion. Belonging can also mean feeling valued and accepted by people in that group.

Talking partners:

Who is in your family?

Do you belong to another group (in school, at home, a religion)?


Are these groups like a family?

How do you show that you belong?

Today we are going to create a jigsaw piece to represent ourselves and our family or groups we belong to. We will use this to remind us that we also belong to our 'class family'.
