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RE 1

Wednesday 23rd March

LC: To discuss and express feelings about the purpose of life



     Is there one journey or many?


Can you remember when you were a baby? Are they real memories or memories of what people have told you through photographs etc.


Have a look at the following images. After looking at them, I want you to discuss your thoughts and feelings about what you have seen.

What were your thoughts? 


What are your thoughts and feelings about the fact that getting old and eventually dying is part of the human experience?


As a class, list beliefs and ideas that people might have about the purpose of human.


We are now going to focus on the life of a Hindu.


For a Hindu, the journey of life is very important -they celebrate the steps of this journey.


A Hindu's life has 4 main stages. They are called ASHRAMAS.

Ideally, every Hindu should go through these 4 stages.

These stages of life are not in order! You will have  a short time to research each stage and find out a little about them. You will then realise what order they should be in. You can make your notes in your register book. 

Now complete the cutting and sticking activity. You will be given more information for each Hindu stage of life. Using your notes, move the boxes about and match up:


  •       the name
  •       the  picture showing the approximate age
  •       overview of the Ashrama
  •       some bullet point information


Remember to use your skills of logic and comprehension.

Stick the work in your RE books.


We will mark them together at the end to see how well you did.


(Friday 2nd July)
