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Do you know what football tournament is currently running?


Well done if you guessed it. It is the Euros, which is a football tournament for countries in Europe. 


In one of the recent matches Christian Eriksen, become ill unexpectedly and needed to receive medical care before being taken to hospital. The team captain, Simon Kjaer was called a hero for rushing over and helping him with a lifesaving response. The game was suspended, and he was given treatment on the pitch and taken to hospital, where he is recovering well.

In school, we learn about and follow British Values. This week we are going to focus on Individual Liberty


As we are a rights respecting school, it is important to know that Article 18 states our parents and guardians help us to consider what is best for us as we grow up. This includes teaching us life skills, so that we can look after ourselves and others responsibly when we become adults.



Does anybody know what first aid is?

Does anybody know what is in a first aid box?



What is the NHS and St. John  ambulance hoping to do?


Did you know, the NHS are launching a new drive to teach emergency first aid skills after what happened to Christian Eriksen and how his life was saved by doing CPR. Volunteers will be sent into school to teach children, how to recognise and respond to cardiac arrest.


Did you also know the huge impact this had upon St John ambulance? They had over 1,000% increase in calls asking for CPR training!

This programme is to raise awareness of the importance of first aid, in an attempt to save up to 4,000 lives each year by 2028. How amazing is that!



  • Do you know where the first aid kit is kept?
  • What useful information might your schools first aid kit include?
  • Where is the nearest hospital?
  • What number would you call in an emergency?



On purple mash create a poster that includes this information to go in the first aid kit.


If you are learning at home, don't forget to send a picture to your teacher.

