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Is being part of a community the same for everyone?

To know about different types of families, including those that are different from their own.

One of the fundamental British Values we promote here at Stoneyholme is Mutual Respect.

Mutual Respect- Respecting the values, ideas and beliefs of others whilst not imposing our own on others. It is the foundation for honesty, trust, and meaningful communication.

By listening to people without judging them, we can learn more about others. Mutual respect is about creating a community where people feel safe to express their views and differences, knowing they will be listened to and taken seriously. (Article 12)

Britain is a mutli-cultural society, and it is important we understand that and learn about the different people, cultures and families.

Who do you have in your family?

What jobs do people in your family do for/with you?

What things do you do together as a family?

Talk to your partner about the people in your family, mums and dads, brothers and sisters, cousins and grandparents- anyone that makes up your family.

Let's take a look at some families that might be living different lives from our own.


Are all families the same?

How does your family look the same/different from these families?
