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Phonics: How to pronounce pure sounds | Oxford Owl

Learn how to pronounce all 44 phonics sounds, or phonemes, used in the English language with these helpful examples from Suzy Ditchburn and her daughter. Find more phonics help on Oxford Owl: Help your child learn to read with books and flashcards from Read with Oxford: What is Oxford Owl?

Oral blending:

This is when you 'squash' the sounds together to make a word. You do not need to know or be able to read any letters to do this. This is a vital skill for learning to read.


Here are a few games you can play to practise this skill.

What's in the bag?

Put some objects or pictures in a bag. Sound talk one of the objects or pictures (eg: s-o-ck) and the children have to say which word you have made. If they are right pull the object out of the bag and show them.

Cross the river

Make a 'river' with some cushions or fabric. Have a pile of pictures and sound talk the first picture. If your child can tell you what word you have made they can jump across the 'river'. Keep going with the rest of the pictures.

Superhero phone call

Use your child’s favourite character. When the phone rings pretend it is your character on the phone with a secret code. Have some objects or pictures ready and sound talk the three that make the code.

Here are some pictures or objects you might use.

Once your child has learnt some letters they can have a go at blending the letters together to read.

Phonics: How to blend sounds to read words | Oxford Owl

Suzy Ditchburn explains how letter sounds can be blended to read words, and gives tips on how to practise phonics with your child. Find more phonics help on Oxford Owl: Help your child learn to read with books and flashcards from Read with Oxford: (The flashcards used in this video are Read with Oxford: Stages 2-3: Biff Chip & Kipper: My Phonics Flashcards, and can be found here: ) What is Oxford Owl?
