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Outright campaign 22-23

Outright campaign launch 2022

Hello and Welcome to OutRight 2022

 Article 12: Children have the right to give their opinions freely on issues that affect them. Adults should listen and take children seriously.


Your voice matters, it is important to speak out and take action for our children's rights.

Discuss the 5 key words that describe your children's rights

Universal, unconditional, inherent, indivisible and inalienable




Inherent—rights are yours because you are born a human.

Indivisible—no right is more important than another one right.

Inalienable—rights can not be given away.

Universal—they are for ALL children (anyone under 18), everywhere, all of the time.

Unconditional—they are not a reward and are not dependent on a

responsibility or action. Our actions should respect the rights of others and not deny


