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Morning/ Afternoon Work

Investigate ways in which nouns and adjectives can be made into verbs by the use of suffixes.


We can change the word class of a word by simply adding a suffix to a word.


Here are some examples of suffixes:


-ate, -ise, -ize -ify

We add a suffix to the end of a word to change the word class.


Look at the example below.


Amy warned us that birds ________(terror) her.


Terror is the word I want to use in this sentence. However, terror is a noun. I need it to be a verb.


Which of the suffixes from above could be added to match the rest of the sentence.




By adding -ify, terror becomes terrify.


Amy warned us that birds terrify her.


This now makes sense.


Write the following sentences in your books.

Add a suffix to the word in brackets to make the sentence correct.


I want to  ______ (speciality) in ballet at my dancing school.


The band needs to ________(advert) for new members.


The odd looking creature was hard to ______(class).


Barry did not expect the bus to _____(terminal) at Bolton.


You need to ______(note) the winner of the competition.


One day people may ______(colony) an uninhabited planet.


Some seeds take up to two years to _____(germ).
