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Morning/ Afternoon Work

Monday 19th April 2021

Making Predictions

prediction is what someone thinks will happen.

It is a statement about the future

It can be based on facts or evidence



Based on the information in the text and what you already know, what is likely to occur next?





Hayley was starving as she had not eaten in days. As she walked by the market, the smells of roasting lamb and chicken caused her mouth to water. She wondered how much longer she could last without food. A truck filled with bread rolled past. Suddenly, it swerved to avoid a child who had ran across the road. As it swerved, a loaf of bread fell from the truck and landed on the dusty ground. Part of the loaf was in a small puddle. Hayley looked around and noticed that nobody was watching. 



Based on the information in the text and what you already know, what is likely to occur next?


Log onto Seesaw to complete this task.

Activity name: Making Predictions.


Hayley will probably...

I believe this because ...
