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We will continue to look perimeter.


What do we mean when we say perimeter?


Perimeter is the distance around the edge of a shape. Yesterday we focused on squares and rectangles.  Today we will look at other regular shapes.


In regular shapes all sides are the same length.


Lets look at the shape below.



How many sides are there on this shape?


How long is one side of the shape?



So there are 6 sides and each side is 4 cm long.


To work out the perimeter of any regular shape you multiply the number of sides with the length of one of the sides (which as we mentioned before are all the same size).


So to work out the perimeter of the shape above we would need to multiply 6 by 4


6 x 4 = 24 cm


Lets look at some together.




How many sides are there on this shape?


How long is one side of the shape?


Multiply the number of sides by the length. What answer do we get? Write it on your whiteboard.




How many sides are there on this shape?


How long is one side of the shape?


Multiply the number of sides by the length. What answer do we get? Write it on your whiteboard.



Your turn


Click on the document below and work out the perimeter of  the shapes shown.





Home learners please could you take a photo of your answered questions and email it to Mr Hindman on Purple Mash.
