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Friday 11th June 2021

L.C. To be able to convert years to months and weeks to days.


Look at the different lifespans of the animals.

What do we need to do to compare the average lifespans?

What key facts do you think will help us when we convert the lifespans?

How many months are there in 1 year?



If we know 1 year = 12 months, how can we calculate the number of months in 9 years? 




What is the best way to calculate how many months are in 15 years?

Could we can use our number bonds?

What would we break 15 into?

10 × 12 = 120 months.

What about 5 × 12?

If we know 10 years = 120 months, how can we use this to calculate 5 years?

What statements can you make about the lifespans now that we have converted all of the years to months?



What units of time are we measuring in now?
Which key fact would help us with our conversions?

