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Maps and fieldwork

LC to use fieldwork to observe, measure, record and present human and physical features of Lancashire.

Let’s go outside into the playground and have a look over to the North west.
What can you see?

Make a list of the human and physical features that you have noticed to the North west and take some photographs.

Now return to the classroom. Upload one or two photographs onto page 2 of the Seesaw document.
Click on the link below to take you to Google maps again.


When you have found Google maps, search for Pendle Hill. Then using the directions facility, find Stoneyholme Primary school. 
Find the ‘satellite’ view and click on it.

What do you notice about the hill? What is between school and the hill? How is the hill different to other features on the map?

These are features of interest, do you know what they are?

Using the information you have, draw a map of the area between school and Pendle Hill onto page 3 of the Seesaw document.
Include the features that you noticed on the Google map. 
