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Wednesday 23rd June 2021

LC: To discuss and record ideas for planning focusing on an alternative chapter for Stig of the Dump.


Today, you will be generating ideas for a new chapter in the Stig of the Dump story. 


Barney will be facing the Snargets and need help from Stig. 


What has happened between Barney and the Snargets before?


Barney went to the chalk pit and saw the Snargets messing around near Stig's home at the bottom of the pit.


Barney threw clods of clay at the Snargets from high above the pit which angered them. 


Fed up of Barney's attack, the Snargets made a plan to leave their shack and tempt Barney into it by saying there were valuables inside.


Barney fell for the trap and went inside the shack. He realised there were no valuables as the Snarget boys returned.


The Snarget boys threatened Barney. Barney knew he needed Stig's help. As the boys went to attack him, Barney raced towards Stig's den. The Snargets started to chase him. 


Finally, Barney arrived at Stig's den while the Snargets searched the area for him. The Snarget boys came across the hole to Stig's den. Thinking that Barney was inside, they threw handfuls of chalk through the doorway. It hit Stig on the head.


Stig was furious and leapt out of his cave roaring. The Snargets fled screaming and wailing in panic. Barney thanked Stig for his help.  

What new event could happen between Barney and the Snargets?

How could Stig help Barney?

Look back at previous chapters to help you generate new ideas.


Questions to structure your ideas:


What could the Snargets be doing as Barney sees them?


What could Barney do to annoy the Snargets?


How do the Snargets react? What trick do they play on Barney?


What problem does Barney face?


What threats do the Snargets make?


How does Barney get to Stig to ask for help?


What was Stig doing when Barney gets to him?


How does Stig get rid of the Snargets?


Record your ideas in your literacy book.

Discuss ideas with the person you are sitting next to in class. 
