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Monday 14th June 2021

LC: To identify and gather speech sentences in a text and orally rehearse.

Direct speech is the reporting of speech by repeating the actual words of a speaker. 


I’m off to the park to see my friends, said John to his mother

inverted commas to mark the spoken words

the actual spoken words

other punctuation 

who spoke the words and how

There are lots of examples of direct speech in the Stig of the Dump story. Miss Hall has found lots of examples in Chapter 1. Listen to her orally rehearse each one.
Do they all sound the same or are some different?

What makes the spoken speech different?


Orally Rehearsing Direct Speech from Chapter One

Still image for this video


The direct speech written in Stig of the Dump is written in both standard and non-standard English. 

Standard English is the form of English that is taught around the world. It uses grammatical rules and can be thought of as a formal or polite way of speaking in writing. 

Non-standard English is the informal (natural and friendly way) of speaking in writing. It can change depending on where it is being spoken. It can have something called slang (very relaxed ways of saying standard English words) that only a certain area or group of people can understand. 

Example:   Dear me = Golly 

Your Task

1.Scan for direct speech in chapters two and three of Stig of the Dump (which you have already read) and orally rehearse each one.

Which direct speech sentences do you prefer to read and why? 

2. Read through Chapter 4 and gather different direct speech sentences. Which ones do you think are written in non-standard English? 
Record the direct speech sentences in your book.
