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Friday 21st May 2021

LC: To write a story with an issue and dilemma using text type features and using previously taught writing skills.


You are going to write your story with an issue and dilemma using the plan you created yesterday. 


You need to follow the plan step-by-step to help you write each part of your story.



These are the key features of a story with an issue and a dilemma.

A difficult decision is made by a character.


The issues the character has to face is considered when making a decision.


Thoughts and feelings are shared on the dilemma.


It can be linked to real or unreal events.



Story structures I would like to see in your writing.

(You have already learned about these.)

-Opening paragraph that describes setting and characters


-Paragraphs to organise ideas


-Fronted adverbials for ‘when’ and ‘where'


-Use inverted commas and other punctuation when writing character dialogue (direct speech)

     "   "       !         ?       .        ,


-Complex sentences that start with an adverb


Record the story in your book. 

This is an assessment so it needs to be done independently with no help. 

