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Monday 17th May 2021

LC: To identify the structure of a reorientation within a newspaper recount.

LC: To write a reorientation.

A reorientation is the last paragraph in a newspaper recount.

It details what is happening now after the main events have been reported and it is written in present tense.



Take a look at the reorientation for the newspaper report Flying Toads Toured the Town! 

Can you identify the above features within it?



Read the reorientations taken from 'Boy Overboard!' and 'Mowgli Missing' and identify what is happening now and the present tense.



Log onto Seesaw to annotate these reorientations. 

Remember to identify what is happening now and the present tense.



You are going to imagine that the flying pigs event took place last Tuesday.

What did they get up to while flying around your town or city?

What did they leave behind once they returned back to where they came from?

Who is now investigating this peculiar event?


Have a go at writing a reorientation for this event. You can use the 'Flying Toads Toured the Town!' reorientation scaffold to help you. 


Today, detectives _______________________

_____________________________. They are in discussion with _______________________. The ____________________ will be closed until further notice. This baffling event has left ____________________!

If you are learning from home, record this in your blended learning exercise book.
