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Friday 7th May 2021

LC: To demonstrate active reading strategies by finding answers.

What happened on Tuesday?.wav

Watch the video to find out what happened on Tuesday.

Remember to look carefully at all the clues in the text.

This will help you to find answers to questions shortly.


Tuesday by David Wiesner.mp4

Still image for this video

Identify the following and record in your books:

1. Who was in the story?

2. What happened in the story?

3.When did the events take place?

4.Where did the events take place?

5. Why could the events that took place be described as peculiar?

6. What were the key events in the story from start to finish?


If you need to replay the video to help, you can.


If you are learning from home today, there will be a task on Seesaw for you to record your work. 

Activity Name: Finding answers to questions about Tuesday
