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Literacy 2

Video for Blended Learners

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Wednesday 7th July 2021

L.C. To identify point and elaboration within persuasive texts.


This morning, you identified the points being made within the letter from Barney to the Snargets.


We are going to use this text to find how the author has used evidence to support their arguments.


When writing persuasion texts we need to elaborate our points. Each point needs elaborating to make it clear and push the point onto the reader. The writer will do this to get the reader to agree with their point.




Firstly, you have created a bad reputation for yourselves by vandilising local property. We could change this by helping others around the town. This could be done by helping people like Mrs. Fawkham-Greene with her weekly shopping and attending the local school to get a good education. This could change the local’s perspective of you. You will be amazed at the way people will treat you when you show how kind you can be. This means you will build better relationships with people. Therefore, this will help you to make more friends. Additionally, it has been proven that people who show kindness age twice as slow as the average population as well as having 23% less stress. Imagine being stress free!

The point that Barney has made in this paragraph is that the Snargets need to be kind as they are creating a bad reputation of themselves. Using the organiser below, we will organise the elaboration of this point.

The elaboration will be found in the paragraph.

Your Challenge


Complete the activity on Seesaw.


You are going to identify the elaboration from paragraphs 3 and 4.

