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Video for Blended Learners

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Wednesday 7th July 2021

L.C. To find the features of a persuasion text.

L.C. To locate the point within a text.


Immersion into our new English Unit



Where might you have seen persuasive writing?



Persuasive texts usually follow a structure.



Let's look at the following persuasive text.

Think about the following questions as we read:

Does this follow the structure shown above?

What are the points being made in paragraphs 2, 3 and 4?



Last week it was proved beyond any shadow of doubt that Mary Stewart, the former Queen of Scots, has been plotting yet again against the life of our dear queen , Elizabeth. It is clearly difficult for our beloved monarch to consent to her own cousin’s death, but after nineteen years of threat and betrayal, surely the time has come to sign Mary’s death warrant?


The foolish Queen of Scots was long ago rejected by her own countrymen. During her brief but turbulent reign, Scotland suffered religious unrest, lack of leadership and eventually a bloody civil war. As a result, the Scottish people took away her crown and threw her into prison. When she escaped and fled to England, all Scotland sighed with relief to be rid of her!


Since then Mary has lived under Queen Elizabeth’s generous protection – and at the expense of English taxpayers – in comfortable English country houses. She has given nothing in return. On the contrary, she has taken every possible opportunity to plot against Elizabeth’s life! Surely such a betrayal cannot be tolerated any longer?


Moreover, as long as Mary lives, there will be plots. This woman has always claimed to be the rightful Queen of England, and she has always had the support of the King of Spain, who knows he can make her his puppet. Could any true Englishman want to exchange our wise, generous Elizabeth for this vain selfish woman? Could anyone want our free, prosperous country to fall under the control of the power-crazed King of Spain?


It's hard for Elizabeth to sign the document that sends her own flesh and blood to the block. Yet sign it she must – for herself, for justice, and for the future of England.


Your Challenge


You have been given the text we will use in our writing next week.

Identify each part of the text.

Then identify the points that have been made in paragraphs 2, 3 and 4.
